Gellér Law Firm


The Gellér Law Firm focuses on a classical legal practice and enlists some of the largest companies in the world as clients. Especially in cases in which global law firms lose their way in the labyrinth of national law has our Firm managed to serve its international clientele successfully. We also represent private persons. Our goal is to serve our clientele through speedy and successful work, which we endeavor to by advising a smaller but prestigious circle of companies and people. I would like to point out that our professional spectrum covers diverse fields of law. Our legal practice have a special focus on criminal law, but it covers European Union law, labour law, corporate law, marriage and family law, administrative law as well as international law. Our colleagues have extensive professional experiences in the aforementioned fields and each member of our team is at least proficient in English. The versatility of our Law Firm allows us to provide reliable legal advice tailored to the needs of our clients.

Our colleagues are not only practicing but also teaching law, Professor Dr. Balázs Gellér (Cantab) has obtained his PhD degree in Cambridge, Dr. Bernadett Bárányos and Dr. Éva Lukács Gellérné obtained their PhD at ELTE University, Faculty of Law, Budapest. The members of the Law Firm are university teachers and are active in the field of research and International networking as well.

We believe that we could assist corporations and individuals who are in need of legal counselling. 

Prof. Dr. Balázs Gellér PhD. (Cantab), LLD. (ELTE) 







Prof. Dr. Gellér Balázs
Managing Partner

Professor Dr. Gellér's family tradition of advocacy reaches back to the XIXth century.  Professor Gellér  has a PhD degree from Cambridge. His main field of work and dedication is criminal law. 




Dr. Bernadett Bárányos

Dr. Bernadett Bárányos Ph.D. (ELTE) obtained her LLD and PHD at ELTE University with summa cum laude. Her main field of interest is criminal law. 






Dr. Éva Lukács Gellérné 

Dr. Éva Lukács Gellérné has obtained her LLD and PhD at ELTE University with summa cum laude. Her main field is European Commercial Law. 


















  • 2024. December 19.

    Transnational Criminal Law Review


  • 2024. December 17.

    Till Tamás case


  • 2024. November 1.

    Two international conferences in Budapest







Budapest 1114
Kemenes utca 6., félemelet 2.















This website is operated by a law firm registered with the Budapest Bar Association in accordance with the laws and internal regulations applicable to law firms.