
Transnational Criminal Law Review

2024. December 19.


Professor Dr. Balázs Gellér's article on the European Arrest Warrant has been published in the 2024 Volume 3, Issue 1 of the Transnational Criminal Law Review. This prestigious journal issue features a selection of articles addressing key topics in transnational criminal law: 


The European Arrest Warrant: Two Decades of Visions and Legal Reality

Introduction to Symposium of EAW 20 Years On

Masha Fedorova, Sabine Gless


Till Tamás case

2024. December 17.


On December 17, 2024, the news portal index.hu published an in-depth analytical article presenting Dr. Balázs Gellér's legal perspective on the statute of limitation in this tragic criminal case. The article highlights Dr. Gellér's views on the circumstances and consequences of the amendment to the Criminal Code (Btk.) and the importance of providing justification for legal regulations and the state's obligation to criminalize certain actions. 

Two international conferences in Budapest

2024. November 1.


Dr. Éva Lukács Gellérné will deliver presentations at two major international events in Budapest during November 2024, which are still open for registration. The conference descriptions, programs, and registration links are available at the links provided below.

8 November 2024

MoveS seminar Hungary, Free movement, social security coordination and posting of EU and third-country nationals in the EU

EU criminal law

2024. October 31.

Regions Week in Brussels

2024. October 13.


On October 10, 2024, Dr. Éva Lukács Gellérné participated in the "Regions Week" event in Brussels, which is an annual event aimed at showcasing best practices affecting various regions of the EU in diverse fields. Dr. Éva Lukács Gellérné was particularly involved due to the regional aspect, as since spring 2024, she had been working as an expert in the preparation of the opinion adopted by the Committee of the Regions on October 9, 2024, titled "Demographic Change in Europe: A Toolbox for Action."

Lippay scholarship

2024. September 11.


The Gellér Law Office has been supporting the ELTE Law School's Lippay scholarship holders in the field of social responsibility for several years. For the academic year 2024/2025, the Lippay Foundation will cover the tuition fees of 20 law students who are outstanding academic achievers and need financial support. 

For more information:  https://www.ajk.elte.hu/content/lippay-osztondij-2024-eredmenyhirdetes.t.6587

RTL Klub interview

2024. August 6.


Dr. Balázs Gellér attorney, was contacted by RTL Klub regarding a recent high-profile case in which A. T., a karate coach, swept the legs out from under a child entrusted to his care at a summer camp, causing the child to fall and hit his head. In connection with the abuse visible in the video released by the adventure park, A. T. was interrogated by the police and is suspected of endangering a minor. According to the child's mother, he called her several times, but she did not answer the phone. The coach claims he wanted to apologize in person.

Extradition symposium in Italy

2024. July 2.

Hungarian Society of Criminology

2024. May 1.


In March 2024, the Hungarian Society of Criminology held a General Assembly, during which the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee of the Society were renewed.

Prof. Dr. Balázs Gellér became the Chairman of the Audit Committee, while András Nemes and András Turi became members of the Audit Committee.

Health data

2024. April 26.


In March 2024, Dr. Éva Lukács Gellérné prepared a manuscript entitled "European Health Data Space" for the law journal EU Law Online which deals with the rules of the newly approved EU regulation ont he EHDS and which will be the first academic paper in Hungary to deal with the latest developments of the EHDS at the European level. The article is expected to be published in June 2024.







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