Két nemzetközi konferencia Budapesten

2024. november 1.


Dr. Gellérné dr. Lukács Éva 2024 novembere folyamán két kiemelt nemzetközi eseményen is előad Budapesten, amelyekre az érdeklődők még regisztrálhatnak. A konferenciák leírása, programja és a regisztrációs felületek elérhetőek az alább megadott linkeken. 

8 November 2024

MoveS seminar Hungary, Free movement, social security coordination and posting of EU and third-country nationals in the EU

The aim of the seminar is to provide a forum for Hungarian experts and MoveS experts to discuss current issues on the topic and address related challenges. The seminar is bilingual, with simultaneous interpretation provided. This seminar is supported by Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary (Faculty of Law, Department of Labour Law and Social Security), the University of Szeged (Faculty of Law, Department of Labour Law and Social Security) and the National Federation of Workers' Councils.

Program: https://ajk.kre.hu/images/doc2024/pr/09/FINAL_MoveS_Agenda_HU_Seminar.pdf

Registration: https://ajk.kre.hu/index.php/2433-moves-szeminarium.html

15 November 2024

Promoting the labour market participation of parents with young children

The joint research of KINCS and ELTE Faculty of Law examines issues related to the European Pillar of Social Rights and the demographic toolbox of the European Union. The project aims to explore the labour market challenges faced by families with young children, with special attention to parents returning to work, best practices, and future challenges. International experts have contributed studies on this topic, which will be published in an open-access, peer-reviewed volume. The symposium will address professional issues in two sections across four panels, discussing employment, labour law protection, social protection, and access to social services, including early childhood education and care systems.

Program and registration: https://www.ajk.elte.hu/en/content/promoting-the-employment-of-young-parents.e.1753







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